From April 24-27, more than 70 DATA-SkillsUSA students competed in the SkillsUSA State Competition at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego. DATA students tested their skills against top performers from across the state, earning medals in multiple contest categories.
In total, 16 students/teams earned medals (5 Bronze, 1 Silver, and 4 gold):
Screen Printing Technology
Gold - Chris Rodriguez
Graphic Communications
Gold - Eric Cuahizio
Audio / Radio Production
Gold - Norma Vazquez and Jesse Rojo
Gold - Viviana Martinez
Bronze - Jennifer Reynoso
20 Second Elevator
Silver - Samuel Oropeza
Bronze - David Vo
Bronze - Jennifer Varela
Prepared Speech
Bronze - Sara Lopez
Chapter Display
Bronze - Andrea Alvarez, Denys Loaiza, and Yolanda Cortez
Career Pathway Showcase
Bronze - Denise Gonzalez, Isreal Chavez, and Bonnie Vo
Whether or not they earned medals, students were able to compete at a high level and gain valuable experience working with others in a high-pressure, real-world environment (and hopefully they had a bit of fun too).
Gold medalists are eligible to participate in the National competition in Kansas City, MO this June where they will compete against top students from around the country. Congratulations to all students who participated!