Digital Storytelling
Bryce Johnson, Instructor
Grades 11 & 12:
Prerequisite: Media Literacy, Intermediate Digital Media Production
Student Expectations/Habits of Mind
All DATA students must abide by the following or risk permanent dismissal from the Academy:
Be respectful of people, things, and ideas. This classroom is a creative space. Every student should feel secure in sharing and exploring new ideas. Respect classroom rules and procedures not only of DATA teachers, but also counselors and all other instructors, tutors, coaches, guests, etc.
Behave in an appropriate manor while at school and out in the community.
Dress appropriately at all times whether in our out of the classroom.
Be honest and accountable for all behavior. All work must be original, avoiding plagiarism and cheating at all times.
Be on time and be prepared.
Absolutely no food or drinks near computers/equipment at any time.
Approach each project with an open mind.
Students who fail to meet classroom expectations will be met with the following consequences:
First offense: Verbal warning
Second offense: Verbal warning
Third offense: ISS for remainder of class period
Fourth offense: Referral to Discipline Office and parent/guardian conference
Students who repeatedly fail to meet expectations will be dismissed from the academy.
Community Service, Mentoring, & Internships
DATA Students are required to complete community service and intern hours in order to graduate as part of the Academy. Students are responsible for submitting documented and verified hours.
Juniors: 15 community service hours each semester (30 total), completion of mentoring program
Seniors: 30 hours of professional experience with our as a working professional. Internships must be in the arts, media, and entertainment industries (unless otherwise accepted by the instructor).
Projects & Grades
This class is based on cooperative learning and you will be working in groups often. This will account for a significant portion of your grade. Working in cooperative groups is essential for success in this class. Grades are updated regularly and are posted online via Synergy Parent/Student Connection at
All checked out equipment is expected to be returned in the same condition as when it was checked out and returned at the time agreed upon when it is checked out. Late returns of equipment will result in the loss of check-out privileges for two weeks, regardless of circumstance.
Any students found misusing, damaging, or vandalizing computers and/or equipment will be immediately removed from the academy, given a referral to the Discipline Office, and held responsible for equipment repair/replacement. Students who fail to report an incident of vandalism are considered accessories to the act and will be given an appropriate consequence.
Equipment may be checked out for use outside of class time. All equipment must be checked out by the instructor, and any student who checks out equipment assumes all responsibility (translation: you break it, you buy it). Any damaged equipment must be replaced within 3 weeks or you will not be able to graduate.
If broken/damaged, equipment available for checkout is valued as follows:
Kodak HD Video Camera: $150 Canon Rebel DSLR: $500 Canon 60D: $800
Canon 5D II: $2500 Zoom Audio Recorder: $250 Tripod: $250
Canon DSLR Lenses: $500-$3000 Apple Laptops $1500 iPads: $800